Ok, this here is a fact. People like Sims 2. The amount of sales the Sims games garner every week is pretty mind boggling, with at least 2 iterations of it somewhere in the Top 10 sales charts... Well, this IS a good game, so shut up you whiners.

No. 39 - Mechwarrior 2
Big stompy robots + Tonnes of missles + Flying robots + More big stompy robots = Fun. Extremely. The best in the series for many, Mechwarrior 2 was one of my first games I ever played, and it has stuck in my mind ever since. 12 years. OMG.

No. 38 - Battlefield 1942
The epitome of World War II online FPS gaming. Good music, good shooty bits with friends, and a hell lot of fun. Single-player was kinda naff though..

No. 37 - Test Drive Unlimited
The 12th of the long running series, TDU brings about a lot of change to the scene with massively multiplayer racing in a persistent world where hacks and trainers rule. Good game, bad people playing. And crazily fun Caterham racing.

No. 36 - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
The longest and most unnecessary game name in the world for me. Weird language, broken game, good writing. All the signs of patches to come, and fix it they did. Good game by any means.

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