Sunday, 5 August 2007

Coming Soon...

I'll be doing a Top 100 PC Games of All Time (As I see it, mind you) in the coming days and I'll be starting with 100-91 and continuing onwards from thereon. I'll be doing 10 games every 2-3 days so come back a little more often to this blog then you're used to, and I'll try to make sure your stay here isn't wasted time =) Short descriptions and pics (if available) will be provided so please be patient as the page loads =)

As some of you know, I've been a gamer all my life and will be till the end of time (or until I'm broke and can no longer buy games...) and I'm a PURE PC gamer, NO consoles for me yo. Give me any console and I'll shove it right up your throat and other cervices I can find on you.

Nintendo DS, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, anything that ain't a console, it'll end up in someones esophagus so don't blame me. The tech in them I know but don't ask me about games on them. I'll show you the Holy Grail of the PC instead.

PC's were, is and forever will be the only place for proper gaming so people who don't agree please leave the site now. I do lots of console bashing so if you're offended, tough luck then.

Watch out for new and updated posts on my blog (this site if you didn't notice already..) and if you don't see any new posts in more then 3 days regarding this Top 100, add me in MSN at and give me a thorough scolding. Seriously.

So, see ya in the next few posts (probably another 10 to complete 100 games with 10 games per post)

Drop me a comment on the post or give a shoutout in the chat box on the right. Thanks yo =)

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