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No. 40 - The Sims 2
Ok, this here is a fact. People like Sims 2. The amount of sales the Sims games garner every week is pretty mind boggling, with at least 2 iterations of it somewhere in the Top 10 sales charts... Well, this IS a good game, so shut up you whiners.

No. 39 - Mechwarrior 2
Big stompy robots + Tonnes of missles + Flying robots + More big stompy robots = Fun. Extremely. The best in the series for many, Mechwarrior 2 was one of my first games I ever played, and it has stuck in my mind ever since. 12 years. OMG.

No. 38 - Battlefield 1942
The epitome of World War II online FPS gaming. Good music, good shooty bits with friends, and a hell lot of fun. Single-player was kinda naff though..

No. 37 - Test Drive Unlimited
The 12th of the long running series, TDU brings about a lot of change to the scene with massively multiplayer racing in a persistent world where hacks and trainers rule. Good game, bad people playing. And crazily fun Caterham racing.

No. 36 - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
The longest and most unnecessary game name in the world for me. Weird language, broken game, good writing. All the signs of patches to come, and fix it they did. Good game by any means.
No. 45 - FIFA 07
*GOAL* *FOUL* * PENALTY* and all that shouty stuff. The FIFA series have once again recaptured my love for football ever so perfectly that it's kinda impossible to believe they always get up-handed by the clearly less fun Pro Evolution series. With new tricks and a new engine, FIFA 07 is back stronger then ever.

No. 44 - Defcon : Everybody Dies
Ok, this game is a little weird. You kill lots and lots of civilians in a nuclear war thing. Don't get me wrong, civilian casualties are your ONE AND ONLY objective, and not a side effect of a nuclear holocaust. Brutal. Another great innovative game from the ever-green Introversion.

No. 43 - FIFA 98 : Road to The World Cup
Ok, so this game is another football game from EA, but like the title suggests, it's based on the 1998 World Cup, or rather the qualifying rounds of the tournament. This game had one of the best unlockables ever in a game where you play faithfully recreated great encounters in previous World Cup's, complete with sepia-tinted play and, really short pants on short stubby men.

No. 42 - Starcraft
Blizzard, Blizzard. Can you do no wrong? Starcraft, as many of you know (by you I mean Korea) is a RTS game by the masters of perfection and release-date delaying. It's so perfectly balanced that neither side has any actual advantage. Every unit is for one purpose, and one purpose only. Ever heard of the term Zerging? Well, this is where it came from.

No. 41 - Worms 2
My introduction of turn-based games was Worms 2. And my what an introduction. You basically play a bunch of worms trying to obliterate another bunch of worms. With rocket launchers. And Super Flying Sheep, and Dynamite Bananas, and Holy Hand Grenades, and Concrete Donkeys. The amount of originality in this game and the craziness of it all deserves a place in any gamers history.

No. 50 - Uplink
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*. You never quite get that tense feeling when you had to hack into a remote server with the "good" guys getting ever closer to tracking you. The originality and intensity of the game puts many to shame, even today, so many years later. Go Introversion!!

No. 49 - Broken Sword : The Angel of Death / (Secrets of The Ark in North America)
Underrated by many, this is one game that stood out in my mind for no particular reason. Fun, a little clunky,ridiculous story. All standard fare for an adventure game, yet somehow good in a way... Charles Cecil, come on!

No. 48 - Call of Duty 2
Immensely noisy, Activision and Infinity Ward have done it again with this masterpiece of WWII gaming, precise catastrophic set-pieces set the tone for future shooters, lodging itself into your cranium long after the mayhem is over.

No. 47 - Homeworld 2
The Pride of Hiigara. The mother of all ships. Shaped like an elongated flat oval thing, complete with hyper-thrusters and galaxy-spanning teleporter thingi. And the hectic battles fought over stars. And the ion cannons, oh the ion cannons. And the manatee's. And the lasers.

No. 46 - The Movies
Want to be the next Spielberg? Yes? No? Well, this game doesn't make you anything like him. What it does do is give you a simplified idea of running a movie studio, with you being the director of a movie, and also the HR manager of the studio. You hire, you fire, you weep, you laugh. Make your own movies, and dub them and give it subtitles if you will. Just do whatever.
Ok, I've changed my mind. I'm only going to do a Top 50 cos a 100 games is frankly crazy to do in a few days time, so I've cut it down to 50 games instead, and it'll also be easier to manage for you and me and I'll start in 2 days time. Come back for my Top 50 starting from 50-41 and so on, with 5 games every post every 3 days. See ya.
I'll be doing a Top 100 PC Games of All Time (As I see it, mind you) in the coming days and I'll be starting with 100-91 and continuing onwards from thereon. I'll be doing 10 games every 2-3 days so come back a little more often to this blog then you're used to, and I'll try to make sure your stay here isn't wasted time =) Short descriptions and pics (if available) will be provided so please be patient as the page loads =)
As some of you know, I've been a gamer all my life and will be till the end of time (or until I'm broke and can no longer buy games...) and I'm a PURE PC gamer, NO consoles for me yo. Give me any console and I'll shove it right up your throat and other cervices I can find on you.
Nintendo DS, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, anything that ain't a console, it'll end up in someones esophagus so don't blame me. The tech in them I know but don't ask me about games on them. I'll show you the Holy Grail of the PC instead.
PC's were, is and forever will be the only place for proper gaming so people who don't agree please leave the site now. I do lots of console bashing so if you're offended, tough luck then.
Watch out for new and updated posts on my blog (this site if you didn't notice already..) and if you don't see any new posts in more then 3 days regarding this Top 100, add me in MSN at and give me a thorough scolding. Seriously.
So, see ya in the next few posts (probably another 10 to complete 100 games with 10 games per post)
Drop me a comment on the post or give a shoutout in the chat box on the right. Thanks yo =)