Tuesday, 27 November 2007
TAG (Whatever)
1. Nuclear-powered PC
2. A girlfriend (seriously...need something to keep my mind of PC's =P)
3. A car I don't have to pay petrol for! Wahaha...
4. A ticket to Blizzcon 2008
5. The Elder Scrolls : Oblivion Collector's Edition
Ng "McFlurry or Die" Tsing Yie
McFlurry lunatic.
Evil (most of the time.. alright, all the time really)
Irritatingly cute sometimes
Bad hair taste
FOR ME? More like TO ME. How about forcing me to order 2 McFlurrys at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon and asking me to cycle all the way to her house just to pay for it....
"No, because I don't care for you enough" - 10/02/2007 11:12:27pm
No comment ;P
Er... Refusing to buy more McFlurry's to appease her... -_-"
1. Ng Tsing Yie
2. Chang Yeak Hon
3. Yong Weng Yan
4. Viknesh Victor
5. Daniel Jalleh
6. Manikandan
7. Karen Yeong
8. Joseph Ng
9. Eva Choy
10. James Bond
Her boyfriend I guess xD
No one as far as I know.
Ewww... Lesbos..
OMG!! Tsing Yie and Daniel!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough*
Cambridge A-Levels
1-2 Years ago..
Jo... Hi...
Daniel and me... Ask him.. NOTHING can EVER be done properly when we're in the same group xD
No. 3 - Form 1, same class
No. 4 - Kindergarten right up to secondary school.
Down that hill somewhere in the quagmire of death.
Scouts my mon.
Why are so many questions relating to Daniel...
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Top 50 Games 30-26
You're a dead man. Actually you're a tour guide. Ok, you're a dead tour guide. In hell. Or more precisely Day of the Dead festival in Mexico. Things only get crazier from here on. Another work of art from the man himself, Tim Schafer.

No. 29 - Medieval II : Total War
Turn-based. Real-time strategy. How can these two genres ever mix and combine and spit out such wonderful games? Don't ask me, ask The Creative Assembly, the mastermind behind the Total War games and master of all things strategy.

No. 28 - Supreme Commander
From Total Annihilation came Supreme Commander, the spiritual successor to Chris Taylor's too-forward-looking game of the year for many gamers. Have not played this properly as my rig just rolls over and dies but from what I've played it deserves alot of love. From me.

No. 27 - Thief 3 : Deadly Shadows
Sneak. Climb walls. Pick pockets. Stuff. All this and more from the master of stealth and all that jazz. High-strung tension is a norm, with you straining your ears for every step you hear, possibly a guard, or a rat.

No. 26 - Company of Heroes
The ultimate RTS for me, with explosions, body-flinging physics, walls collapsing with every tank shell, grenades lobbed through windows, artillery slamming into the ground any unlucky baddies. You'd think that this was a FPS, but believe me, this incredibly visceral game notches up another notch in my expectations in an RTS game.

Friday, 14 September 2007
Top 50 Games 35-31
This was my introduction to MMORPG's and I was playing it on dial-up. NOT a good idea. It was free for awhile before going P2P and I played on for so long. One of the very few games that I genuinely want to go back to after so long.
No. 34 - Warcraft III
What can I say? Is it an RTS? Yes. Is it and RPG? Yes. Confused? Right... Good story complemented with a cutesy portrayal of characters with cutting edge cinematics, this will live in my memory for a long time.

No. 33 - Counter-Strike : Source
An update to the monstrously popular Half-Life mod in 1998 with updated physics, textures and the likes on the Source engine of Half-Life 2. Grenades bounce predictability, weapons and barrels ricochet and recoil realistically .Best you can get in a straight multiplayer shooter.
No .32 - Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US and Canada)
Life transforming I would call it. One of the best adventure games I have played. Ever. You play the murderer, the police in charge of investigating and also her partner. Compelling story with a little bit of demon possession makes this game all so memorable. And when I say demonic possession, I don't mean you get to see the devil. Just the beginning few minutes where you have to find out what happened. How can you play as both hunted and hunter you say? Well, play to find out =)

No .31 - Day of The Tentacle
Tim Schafer, I love you. Witty and hilariously crazy jokes set in 400 years of history. You're flushed through a time machine (which is just a toilet, really) and 3 characters are 400 years apart. What you do in the past and present affect the future. Crazy game. Trust me, one of the best game EVER!

Wednesday, 12 September 2007
My Major... Right...
You scored as HR/BusinessManagement, You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Human Resources Management or Business Management, or related majors (e.g., Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, International Business, Leadership, Public Administration, Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology). It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it. Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Excellent minors for HR/Business majors include: Psychology, Sociology, or other areas of business like Economics, Finance, or Marketing. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
WHAT MAJOR IS RIGHT FOR YOU? created with QuizFarm.com |
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Top 50 Games 40-36
Ok, this here is a fact. People like Sims 2. The amount of sales the Sims games garner every week is pretty mind boggling, with at least 2 iterations of it somewhere in the Top 10 sales charts... Well, this IS a good game, so shut up you whiners.

No. 39 - Mechwarrior 2
Big stompy robots + Tonnes of missles + Flying robots + More big stompy robots = Fun. Extremely. The best in the series for many, Mechwarrior 2 was one of my first games I ever played, and it has stuck in my mind ever since. 12 years. OMG.

No. 38 - Battlefield 1942
The epitome of World War II online FPS gaming. Good music, good shooty bits with friends, and a hell lot of fun. Single-player was kinda naff though..

No. 37 - Test Drive Unlimited
The 12th of the long running series, TDU brings about a lot of change to the scene with massively multiplayer racing in a persistent world where hacks and trainers rule. Good game, bad people playing. And crazily fun Caterham racing.

No. 36 - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
The longest and most unnecessary game name in the world for me. Weird language, broken game, good writing. All the signs of patches to come, and fix it they did. Good game by any means.

Saturday, 25 August 2007
Top 50 Games - 45-41
*GOAL* *FOUL* * PENALTY* and all that shouty stuff. The FIFA series have once again recaptured my love for football ever so perfectly that it's kinda impossible to believe they always get up-handed by the clearly less fun Pro Evolution series. With new tricks and a new engine, FIFA 07 is back stronger then ever.

No. 44 - Defcon : Everybody Dies
Ok, this game is a little weird. You kill lots and lots of civilians in a nuclear war thing. Don't get me wrong, civilian casualties are your ONE AND ONLY objective, and not a side effect of a nuclear holocaust. Brutal. Another great innovative game from the ever-green Introversion.

No. 43 - FIFA 98 : Road to The World Cup
Ok, so this game is another football game from EA, but like the title suggests, it's based on the 1998 World Cup, or rather the qualifying rounds of the tournament. This game had one of the best unlockables ever in a game where you play faithfully recreated great encounters in previous World Cup's, complete with sepia-tinted play and, really short pants on short stubby men.

No. 42 - Starcraft
Blizzard, Blizzard. Can you do no wrong? Starcraft, as many of you know (by you I mean Korea) is a RTS game by the masters of perfection and release-date delaying. It's so perfectly balanced that neither side has any actual advantage. Every unit is for one purpose, and one purpose only. Ever heard of the term Zerging? Well, this is where it came from.

No. 41 - Worms 2
My introduction of turn-based games was Worms 2. And my what an introduction. You basically play a bunch of worms trying to obliterate another bunch of worms. With rocket launchers. And Super Flying Sheep, and Dynamite Bananas, and Holy Hand Grenades, and Concrete Donkeys. The amount of originality in this game and the craziness of it all deserves a place in any gamers history.

Thursday, 9 August 2007
Top 50 Games - 50-46
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*. You never quite get that tense feeling when you had to hack into a remote server with the "good" guys getting ever closer to tracking you. The originality and intensity of the game puts many to shame, even today, so many years later. Go Introversion!!

No. 49 - Broken Sword : The Angel of Death / (Secrets of The Ark in North America)
Underrated by many, this is one game that stood out in my mind for no particular reason. Fun, a little clunky,ridiculous story. All standard fare for an adventure game, yet somehow good in a way... Charles Cecil, come on!

No. 48 - Call of Duty 2
Immensely noisy, Activision and Infinity Ward have done it again with this masterpiece of WWII gaming, precise catastrophic set-pieces set the tone for future shooters, lodging itself into your cranium long after the mayhem is over.

No. 47 - Homeworld 2
The Pride of Hiigara. The mother of all ships. Shaped like an elongated flat oval thing, complete with hyper-thrusters and galaxy-spanning teleporter thingi. And the hectic battles fought over stars. And the ion cannons, oh the ion cannons. And the manatee's. And the lasers.

No. 46 - The Movies
Want to be the next Spielberg? Yes? No? Well, this game doesn't make you anything like him. What it does do is give you a simplified idea of running a movie studio, with you being the director of a movie, and also the HR manager of the studio. You hire, you fire, you weep, you laugh. Make your own movies, and dub them and give it subtitles if you will. Just do whatever.

Monday, 6 August 2007
Wait A Minute Here...
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Coming Soon...
As some of you know, I've been a gamer all my life and will be till the end of time (or until I'm broke and can no longer buy games...) and I'm a PURE PC gamer, NO consoles for me yo. Give me any console and I'll shove it right up your throat and other cervices I can find on you.
Nintendo DS, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, anything that ain't a console, it'll end up in someones esophagus so don't blame me. The tech in them I know but don't ask me about games on them. I'll show you the Holy Grail of the PC instead.
PC's were, is and forever will be the only place for proper gaming so people who don't agree please leave the site now. I do lots of console bashing so if you're offended, tough luck then.
Watch out for new and updated posts on my blog (this site if you didn't notice already..) and if you don't see any new posts in more then 3 days regarding this Top 100, add me in MSN at b_x_perience@hotmail.com and give me a thorough scolding. Seriously.
So, see ya in the next few posts (probably another 10 to complete 100 games with 10 games per post)
Drop me a comment on the post or give a shoutout in the chat box on the right. Thanks yo =)
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
World of Warcraft

Ok, this here is really weird. I just started playing World of Warcraft (WoW) today and I find it's ok, slightly better then I imagined. And the weirder thing is that I am a dedicated Guild Wars player, and Guild Wars players as a general rule can NEVER live with a WoW player, and I don't know how I'm dealing with the conflict of interests on this...
One is free to play, but you just have to purchase the original game. WoW on the other hand is on a subscription based module, at roughly RM60 a month plus the original WoW, plus the expansion pack, The Burning Crusade. On paper, Guild Wars wins hands down, and in reality, mostly it does too. But what sets Guild Wars and WoW apart are the backstories.
WoW, having been backed by the arguable wonderful Warcraft III and it's own expansion, The Frozen Throne had a full story to carry on with, and the story was nothing short of tense. You knew what each race were subjected to, what each race felt, what they can do, and what you MUST do, giving you a real sense of belonging in the game. You had a heritage, each race having their own hometown, beautifully crafted and poetically breathed the breath of life into. Guild Wars didn't have this, but their stories were good nonetheless, further added by two standalone packs for Guild Wars, Guild Wars : Factions and Guild Wars : Nightfall.
For now, I'm a dwarf hunter, (There's something about a short dude with range abilities and a big bushy beard...) and I'm just wondering around wherever it is I am, barely doing quests and just whacking random wolfs and the occasional rabbit. Find me if you're ever playing WoW, the names Samfisher in the Undermine(US) realm. Find me before I get bored of this game and move on to The Lord of The Rings Online : Shadows of Angmar. I hear it's a WoW beater.
See ya.
Character : Samfisher
Realm : Undermine (US)
Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Bioshock. Every time I hear this word, I tingle all over anticipating it to completely alter how I look at games. Bioshock. There it goes again, brrrrr. Bioshock has been in development since I don't know when (2000) and the official release date as of now is on the 12th of August 2007. Just 2 months away from now I'll be knee deep in Rapture, the fictional underwater city the game is based on. No, it is NOT Atlantis, but very similar in that it's a city far in advance technologically. Scientists, doctors, all the worlds cream of the crop once lived here. Corrupted and taken over by "Adam", a genetically enhancing substance and all hell breaks loose. Greed, power, envy all soon take place as they destroy themselves finding what was so elusive to them, and now more elusive in death. "Little Sisters" guarded by their "Big Daddy" extract it from corpses in the currently cryptic and desolate city of Rapture.

Official Bioshock Site - Bioshock
Official Bioshock Fansite - The Cult of Rapture

So Tsing Yie, thanks for making my life a living hell, but an oh so entertaining one. Now go
*P.S* I just found out that she postponed her exam, yay, one more week I can avoid hell.
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
My Canon 400D!!
Been given a choice to either stay at where I'm working or go somewhere else. What should I do? I don't expect anyone to answer that since I myself don't know the answer to that. Anyway... Life has been pretty dull. Same old same old.
BTW, after finally getting to see Tsing Yie in church on Saturday in Youth, I expected something more interesting to come out of her mouth. And you know what she said when she saw me? Guess. Come on, I'm sure you can guess it. Ok nvm.. Useless.. "Ai-Vern", "Yes?", "MCFLURRY!!" And the conversation went on pretty much like that until her boyfriend (or whoever it was in the white Kancil) came and picked her up. And I was like...
Then I poked her sister in the stomach as payback for poking me so many times. Deserves it by the way. And Tsing Yie, go away... Stop reminding me of the McFlurry's I supposedly "owe" you, which currently sits at 11. Oh wait, it's 12 now, cos she "felt" insulted by one of my SMS's... This girl is... Unbelievably talented in using her looks and sad little face to taunt you and bring you down to your knees while you bend to her every will... Well, I guess that's the price of friendship eh? Lol.
Anyway, she has just updated her blog with a very mind stimulating post, not because you learn something or anything like that but mind stimulating in a way that makes you think where she comes up with these little little things to nit-pick about, from ugly college-founders to anti-wrong-singlet schools to just declaring coffee is good for you (although I think that has more to do with tricking herself to drink with abandon, rather then it being good in itself since she's a coffee addict).
Time to study my camera, and just wait for a few weeks where I can get more worthy photos out of it. Big investment you know. See ya till then.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Please Forgive Me
It still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss and
It's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
I'm still hold on and you're still the one
The first time our eyes met it's the same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger and I wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on
So If you're feelin' lonely.. don't
You're the only one I'd ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me I know not what I do
Please forgive me I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me
This pain I'm going through
Please forgive me
If I need ya like I do
Please believe me
Every word I say is true
Please forgive me I can't stop loving you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch
We're still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough I'm still holdin' on
You're still number one I remember the smell of your skin
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you
I remember the nights ya know I still do
One thing I'm sure of
Is the way we make love
And the one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Game Ideas - Voice-O-Matic
Here's what it does, with explanations why I would like to see it made.
Immersion in games is the key to making you feel like you're in the game, and voices are a very big part of it, with character intonations completely changing they way you respond to things, with or without fancy graphics. So Voice-O-Matic steps in where voice-acting fails.
How we do it is, we record a person's voice (chosen before-hand to suit the character), and make them run through a set of keys and tones ranging a very wide spectre. File size can be kept to a minimum,cos Voice-O-Matic intellegently mixes different parts of the vocal range to produce different different sounds, meaning only minimal sound files to be installed, keeping space usage down.
When NPC's need to talk, the game accesses a small pre-coded file that automatically links to the mixer and voices to come out with the right intonation and pitch.
Also, at the beginning of games that require you to create a character (basically RPG's), there will be an option page with sliders that you can control to make the game pronounce your chosen name correctly, adding to immersion as the game understands who you are, and react accordingly.
In-game, small bits of code are accessed when NPC's speak, speaking directly to you, and those bits of code will alter how your name is pronounced according to the emotions needed, like panic, happiness and the likes.
One day, I WILL make this nifty piece of software, that is if current programmers don't make them first. At least credit me with the idea if you took it from here =)
For now, I think that's all for this idea. I'll post with more later on.
Re-Visited : Guild Wars - Prophecies
After being away from the land of Tyria for almost a year, I'm finally back into it and enjoying every moment of it.
Everything that I loved about it is still here, with minor modifications and improvements that make it all the more interesting to play. Improved network code, better skill animations and minor GUI tweaks make the experience a richer thing.
The PvP, as always is frantic as hell and really random but never managing to feel unfair. It just plays so well!! I had this PvP once and I was a Ranger/Monk with 3 teammates against a party with 2 Monks, one Elementalist and one Warrior. Elementalist and Warrior we downed with relative ease but the 2 Monks were giving us problems. They keept healing each other!!
So finally, it was only me and the two monks fighting it out with the rest of our parties dead. I would attack with my bows and they would heal. When I ran out of Energy, I ran in circles to avoid being attacked. Then the two monks attacked me. Me, being a half-Monk could also heal so I healed and they attacked and they healed and I attacked. For half-an-hour it was a tie. We were just not doing any significant damage to each other. Support monks being support Monks, they had very little firepower. So I could heal as they attacked me.
For 30 minutes this went on, me crippling them making them walk 50% slower while I use my running skills to run and heal myself somewhere further. Then argh!! DISCONNECTED!!
But oh well.. The single-player game is very absorbing although it takes ages to complete it. I took 155 hours to get through it the first time round... It was worth playing every minute of it. Guys, if you're sick and tired of paying subscription fees to games that you rarely play or have a hard time justifying the price, splurge a little bit of money to get this game and you will never regret it. Trust me, I never did and never will. I may cost a pretty penny for now, but it will be so much more satisfying then your standard run-of-the-mill online game.
System Specs
Minimum:Pentium 3 1.8 GHz or equivalent, nVidia GeForce 4 MX 420 or equivalent, 2GB hard disk space, 256MB RAM, dial-up connection
Recommended:Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or equivalent, nVidia GeForce 6600GT or equivalent, 4GB hard disk space, 1GB RAM, broadband
Pros:Very good graphics, relatively lag-less, immersive, good PvP
Cons:Not alot really
Final Verdict: 89%
A Clearer Mind
Life has been ok so far, nothing much to complain about really =) Nothing out of the ordinary, just the ho-hum of life endlessly repeating itself as I travel to and fro for work. Somehow, everyday I get one No-Show guest that gets me into trouble. Stupid guests xD But oh well, it's my job to make them come, so if they don't it's partially my fault too.
Church was good, as it is always. Really freshened me up for the trying week ahead and gave me a clearer mind to think things through. Thank you God =)
Nothing much to post about now, so I'll go and write up a re-review of Guild Wars while I'm at this.
See ya in my next post ^^
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Hurt? Confused? Left Out? Yeah.
And girls can be the worst source of pain for anyone, and I'm quoting straight from true-to-life experiences which have left me a broken man. I liked this girl see? I wouldn't say that we're really close but I would say that we're long time friends. And well, frankly I told her about it and everything. She was single at that time so I thought that I could make the cut. WAS is the figurative word in that sentence. Her response wasn't exactly encouraging but hey, everybody needs to be pushed a little right? So OK, I got that part all sewn up. Came back from 2 1/2 months of hell from a faraway place, and I thought that I might just make it. All the signs were slightly more positive. In fact, I was really confident!!
Fast forward to 2 months down the line it had to happen. It just had to. You know what? She's already taken. For the past month or so. By her colleague. And I was just thrown into the dark just like that. All my hope just evaporated into thin air as I slowly digested the information. All the plans, the hope, the very essence of why I do what I do. Just like that. Boom. Slice. A part of me died that night, and I'm not sure if I can go on without it. Hurt by the pure evil in the timing of the events. Confused by what I should do. Left out in my own circle of friends.
As I see it now, I'm never going to be able to make the cut. I'm never good enough for any girl. I've never ever been an important part of her life. And I may never will. I try to tell myself that this isn't the truth, that everything I see and hear on that night isn't what actually happened but who am I kidding?
I'm not complaining but I just want a chance. One solitary chance. That's all I need from her. I never got it. Well, I guess that's that then.
Girl, you know who you are, and if you're out there reading this, I sincerely wish you all the best in all your endeavors, your studies and in your private life. Thank you for everything.
"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
- Sherlock Holmes -
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Don't Give Up (You Are Loved)
Song is loading, be patient =)
Don't give up
It's just the weight of the world
When your heart's heavy
I...I will lift it for you
Don't give up
Because you want to be heard
If silence keeps you
I...I will break it for you
Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don't give up
Because you are loved
Don't give up
It's just the hurt that you hide
When you're lost inside
I...I’ll be there to find you
Don't give up
Because you want to burn bright
If darkness blinds you
I...I will shine to guide you
Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don't give up
Because you are loved
You are loved
Don't give up
Everyone needs to be heard
You are loved
Monday, 28 May 2007
Shopping!! And stuff...
Then blew RM25 on Starbucks.. Just a crazily expensive Chocolate Chip thing and a OMG-it's-so-bleedin-expensive-Mayo Sausage bun. But the Chocolate Chip thing was so good! I wanted to get another cup but after having a second look at the price, I swore to myself never to buy anything so expensive again. How can a cup of chocolate chips and chocolate milk cost RM13.90??? Highway robbery.. Never ever again.. Walked around the mall, went for a few rounds of bowling with my buddy, watched Blades of Glory which was incredibly stupid and funny at the same time.
Was walking to the ATM machine when I spotted Lee Joseph and Randy (why are they always together...) at Chilli's so I joined them. Refilled our drinks and nachos so many times they probably blacklisted us xD
Went to the ATM machine to withdraw RM150 to get the full 1st season of Criminal Minds and guess what? I've reached my daily withdrawal limit. I've withdrawn RM1000 on this day alone!! OMG... So I thought I had to starve through the month with more then half my salary already blown.. I had only RM20 left in my wallet and you know what? I went back to Starbucks and got myself another cup of that Chocolate Chip thing.
Friday, 25 May 2007
Starcraft 2 Is Official!!
Starcraft 2 brings us back to the world of the human-like Terrans, the God-like Protoss' and the very-violent-my-mum-won't-approve bug-like Zergs. Expect it to launch a full 6 months after the first announced release date. As most people know, Blizzard take their own sweet time making the game, ensuring everything pans out exactly the way they want it to. And my what a way to live.
Blizzard games have been nothing short of extraordinary even though I only liked Starcraft 1... Their games are so perfectly balanced that a battle can swing around at any minute making matches unpredictable and oh so exciting. Ok, I'm too lazy to continue writing about this right now, so I'll stop and I'll continue some other time. IF I have the mood to...
The official website - Starcraft 2
Who I Really Am
I'm a man of detail. I need constant data bombardment to keep me awake, or even remotely interested.
One fine example is a cereal box. Let's take Koko Krunch as an example. Everyone likes the pringle-shaped-chocolate-cereal-thingi right? Well, I do. But I don't if the box has too little words for me to read. Even though I fully know that the product is in every way the same, I always buy things with the most amount of words for me to read. Whether on a cereal box, or a 100-page manual on how to fix your pencil. If that particular time I see a Koko Krunch box with lots of pictures, I abstain from it until a new box design comes out. I'm just like that.
I'm also always thinking of things that no one actually cares or ever thought about. Ever wonder why people use the word sharp when they talk about time and punctuality? Why do we have to say "Be there at 12:00pm SHARP"? Isn't it supposed to be understood that "Be there at 12:00pm" means "Bloody be there at 12:00pm"? Was it caused by the constant reminders that we humans have to give to each other before we act on something? Or was it because we just needed a stronger word to emphasize our intent? In any case, why should we need any word to emphasize what we say if our original words mean the exact same thing? See? I just did it myself. Why say exact when not saying it actually means the same thing anyway? Well, these kind of things run through my head a million times a day. My brain is constantly working out questions like this. I'm either a lunatic or s semi-genius guy with too much time to let his brain go to waste. Well, I have an IQ of 158...
I also never actually have real dreams. All my dreams are controlled by me while I sleep. Listen here, I never actually sleep when I go to bed. All my dreams are there because I want it to. not because it just happens like in normal dreams. If I don't like a part of a particular dream I'm going through, I consciously rewind my dream to before that part happened and control how my dream actually rolls out. That's why I'm always mentally exhausted but always physically fresh. Don't blame me, it just happens.
On another note, I can finally claim overtime from work!! Ahahahahaha... Now to secretely plan world domination.. Gonna save up and get myself a spanking new Canon 400D and brush up my photography skills. Time for me to learn a new programming language too. I'm done with Visual Basic and C++. Now to go to Java and C#, and maybe Cold Fusion too. See ya in the next post, gonna play Test Drive Unlimited now.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Swing Swing
Days swiftly come and go
I'm dreaming of her
She's seeing other guys
Emotions they stir
The sun is gone
The nights are long
And I am left while the tears fall
Did you think that I would cry
On the phone?
Do you know what it feels like
Being alone?
I'll find someone new
Swing, swing, swing
From the tangles of
My heart is crushed
By a former love
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again?
Dreams cast into the sky
I'm moving on
Sweet beginnings do arise
She knows I was wrong
The notes are old
They bend, they fold
And so do I to a new love
Did you think that I would cry
On the phone?
Do you know what it feels like
Being alone?
I'll find someone new
Swing, swing, swing
From the tangles of
My heart is crushed
By a former love
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again?
Bury me
(You thought your problems were gone)
Carry me
(Away, away, away)
Swing, swing, swing
From the tangles of
My heart is crushed
By a former love
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again?
Monday, 14 May 2007
Test Drive Unlimited Review
One thing I can say about this game is that the graphics are stunning. At Low settings at 800x600 I'm running at 20+FPS... And my PC is no slouch!! LOW SETTINGS! Well... I gotta admit that my CPU is holding back my graphics card.. Such irony. I spent RM550 on the card just to have my CPU fall behind. Even Oblivion I can play at 18+FPS at medium-high.. Oh well, even my new hard drive has decided to turn on me..
Based on the largest of the Hawaii islands, Oahu, the developers at Atari/Eden Games have faithfully re-created every square mile of the island for you to drive around in the free-roaming environment. You get roughly 1000KM of road to burn rubber. Imagine that. It's like running the 100 meter race TEN THOUSAND TIMES!! You can't even imagine the scope. It's probably bigger then the whole of San Andreas, 10 times. And Oblivion is just a postage-stamp nuisance at the top of the envelope Oahu.
You get 125 cars and bikes from the off, with the full map and client, offsetting the huge 7.5GB install it takes up. At only RM119, people, just get this game. You get multiplayer (highly recommended) and all the exotic cars you can dream off, with more to come as free downloadable content later on.
Word of warning though, the engines clips for most of the available vehicles are horrendous, and if you're one of those that want authenticity, don't get this game. Get GTR 2 instead. THAT's another demanding game. If you can't play Oblivion, don't touch GTR 2.
For petrol heads looking for a new game to wet your pants, this is the one. For those looking to tweak tyre pressure, suspension stiffness, ECU and the turbo, avoid this.
P.S By the way, I'm driving an Enzo Ferrari in TDU.
System specs
Minimum:Pentium 4 2.4GHz or equivalent, nVidia 6800 or equivalent, 8GB hard disk space, 512MB RAM, dial-up connection.
Recommended:Intel Core 2 Duo e6300 1.86GHz or equivalent, nVidia 7900 or equivalent, 10GB hard disk space, 1GB RAM, broadband
Pros:Good fun multiplayer, stunning graphics, relatively lagless in multiplayer, car models faithfully modelled
Cons:Server is frequently down, engine sounds are terrible, save game can be corrupt or rollback to previous save.
Final Verdict:79%
Who I See
My advice : Don't bother, I don't know what I'm saying..
So, my blog. Ok. What now? Don't ask me. If you know me, my brain always works overtime and you will see things you don't and won't understand.
And don't ask me why these things go through my head, they just do.