You're a dead man. Actually you're a tour guide. Ok, you're a dead tour guide. In hell. Or more precisely Day of the Dead festival in Mexico. Things only get crazier from here on. Another work of art from the man himself, Tim Schafer.

No. 29 - Medieval II : Total War
Turn-based. Real-time strategy. How can these two genres ever mix and combine and spit out such wonderful games? Don't ask me, ask The Creative Assembly, the mastermind behind the Total War games and master of all things strategy.

No. 28 - Supreme Commander
From Total Annihilation came Supreme Commander, the spiritual successor to Chris Taylor's too-forward-looking game of the year for many gamers. Have not played this properly as my rig just rolls over and dies but from what I've played it deserves alot of love. From me.

No. 27 - Thief 3 : Deadly Shadows
Sneak. Climb walls. Pick pockets. Stuff. All this and more from the master of stealth and all that jazz. High-strung tension is a norm, with you straining your ears for every step you hear, possibly a guard, or a rat.

No. 26 - Company of Heroes
The ultimate RTS for me, with explosions, body-flinging physics, walls collapsing with every tank shell, grenades lobbed through windows, artillery slamming into the ground any unlucky baddies. You'd think that this was a FPS, but believe me, this incredibly visceral game notches up another notch in my expectations in an RTS game.