This was my introduction to MMORPG's and I was playing it on dial-up. NOT a good idea. It was free for awhile before going P2P and I played on for so long. One of the very few games that I genuinely want to go back to after so long.
No. 34 - Warcraft III
What can I say? Is it an RTS? Yes. Is it and RPG? Yes. Confused? Right... Good story complemented with a cutesy portrayal of characters with cutting edge cinematics, this will live in my memory for a long time.

No. 33 - Counter-Strike : Source
An update to the monstrously popular Half-Life mod in 1998 with updated physics, textures and the likes on the Source engine of Half-Life 2. Grenades bounce predictability, weapons and barrels ricochet and recoil realistically .Best you can get in a straight multiplayer shooter.
No .32 - Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US and Canada)
Life transforming I would call it. One of the best adventure games I have played. Ever. You play the murderer, the police in charge of investigating and also her partner. Compelling story with a little bit of demon possession makes this game all so memorable. And when I say demonic possession, I don't mean you get to see the devil. Just the beginning few minutes where you have to find out what happened. How can you play as both hunted and hunter you say? Well, play to find out =)

No .31 - Day of The Tentacle
Tim Schafer, I love you. Witty and hilariously crazy jokes set in 400 years of history. You're flushed through a time machine (which is just a toilet, really) and 3 characters are 400 years apart. What you do in the past and present affect the future. Crazy game. Trust me, one of the best game EVER!